I've been torturing myself with making thousands of lines of Unity Editor GUI code for this past week and I just realized how much of a waste it was. I don't even feel like describing how horrible it's been writing this stuff, so I'll skip that part and get to the solution that I've been ignoring. I was brainstorming about solving one of the random problems when I had this epiphany to just delete all the code! I can use the editor as is to create a hierarchy of the objects that I need for a game. Using placeholder objects, I can create an entire visual structure of both the game world and the text. Then once I'm ready I can use a build function to analyze the scene, convert GameObjects into data and write that data to txt files for run time. I should be up an running with this solution by Monday if I'm right.
Unity users might be thinking 'well duh', but hear me out. I'm using Unity for text based games so I had no reason to consider the scene view/hierarchy for design time work. Unity users might then wonder why use Unity for text based games anyway. Uhh... I don't know, stop pestering me hypothetical Unity User!
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