

I'm getting closer to actually writing (for better or worse), but I am always finding game system improvements to make that take up time. That and I am trying to put more stuff in place to automate some of the tedious parts of working on the game. For example I'm auto generating basic stub responses for actions as displayed here:

The stubs aren't usable in the final game, but having placeholders made from the world data helps skip a few steps in development.

That image also shows the undo system which is working really well so far, which is great news. The not so great news is that adding the undo history to save data breaks saving. So that's the next thing to fix.

[Edit: Fixed] I made a few hacks and saves work again with history included. Currently 32 steps are saved in your history, so 32 choices are packed in with a game save. 32 is just a number I chose but it may change depending on issues that might arise with the amount of data stored. I still have to make an interface into managing game saves but currently they are just stored as a text file in a temporary directory.

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