
Adding features

Here are few that are pretty nice and implemented for the most part. Starting with support for screen resizing/resolution changes, for mobile and desktop.

Undo and redo support is nearly complete. I'm trying to make it as smooth as scrolling around through your history in a Renpy game. Quick saving and loading works.  Autosaves before important moments and multiple saves are in progress. Also thinking of some additions to the world model without over complicating it hopefully. I think nouns and verbs should have different display names depending on their current state. The trouble is they don't actually hold their own state.

As far as the demo game goes I had an idea to use iBooks Author to create a game design document instead of having a series of text files, spread sheets and images. An iBook can store all of that stuff and more, so its a great tool for design work of this type. Luckily it exports pdf files so you don't need a mac/ios device to view the final result. My image references come from web searches though, so releasing it could be a problem.

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