
Sat on a stapler

Just finished writing my first DP scene. Today was a good day. The move to revive this project was a good one. I have a lot of work to do, but if I can keep up my current pace I expect to have a decent demo available by new year. The structure of the game encourages a lot of diversion in plot, so I can really go crazy with ideas (hopefully not too crazy). The downside is that I probably won't include any meaningful endings for quite some time. I have a few ideas for endings, but I want to push more content into the game before wrapping things up.

Yeah, reading this post back, it sounds like a vague description wrapped in a brief update wrapped in a questionable deadline. Basically yes, I'm having fun writing this one, and I think it's going to be real good like. I've decided to make a new town next to Bunkville called Cloverfield, where I can dump sci-fi stories. Why do I need to create fictional towns that border fictional towns you ask. Well, I have already explained this via clues hidden in everal previous posts. (hint: that last sentence is a lie (or is it? (it is)))

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